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WebRAY participated in the 2015 RSA Conference

Publication date:2015/04/20

On April 20th, the 2015 RSA Conference was grandly opened at the San Francisco International Convention and Exhibition Center in the United States. In 2015, RSA presented "Change: Challenge today's security thinking" as its theme, while WebRAY showcased web security technology as its exhibition theme. With years of accumulated security innovation, WebRAY has built a complete capability system of "monitoring pre alarm protection" in the field of application security.

The exhibition board of Conference Shengbang Security is prominently located with innovative concepts. It has attracted many industry insiders to visit and have a detailed understanding of the overall situation of the company, including well-known foreign enterprises and scientists.

Mr. Chen Huailin, Chief Scientist of Famous Bending Review


WebRAY CEO Quan Xiaowen said: Through communication, I feel that everyone has a good understanding of our ability and characteristics in web security, and is very optimistic about our direction. This was a very good RSA first experience, and I hope we can continue to bring surprises and highlights to the conference next time.




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