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WebRAY won the Excellence Award in the 2021 ASEAN, China, Japan, and South Korea Digital Economy Innovation Competition

Publication date:2021/12/09

The "2021 ASEAN and China Japan Korea Digital Economy Innovation Competition" jointly organized by the Yunnan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Yunnan Provincial Administration of Communications, and China Academy of Information and Communications Technology came to an end on December 8th in Kunming, Yunnan. The competition officially announced the list of winners, and WebRAY was awarded the Excellence Award in the "2021 ASEAN and China Japan Korea Digital Economy Innovation Competition".




The theme of this competition is "Innovation, Achievement, Future". From nearly 200 innovative projects in the field of digital economy submitted by ASEAN, China, Japan, and South Korea, as well as relevant think tanks, research institutes, universities, innovative enterprises, etc., after two rounds of strict evaluation by the expert team of the evaluation committee, 26 award-winning projects were finally produced. It involves digital fields such as 5G+, artificial intelligence, big data, and integrated applications, covering industries such as industry, agriculture, healthcare, education, electricity, energy, and information and communication.

The winning case of WebRAY this time is the "Practice Plan for Comprehensive Asset Security Operation and Management in IPv6 Environment of Basic Telecommunications Enterprises". It adopts a network asset security governance platform, combined with a network space asset detection system, and uses a built-in IPv6 survival address intelligent prediction and analysis algorithm to achieve comprehensive asset security operation and management in IPv6 environment of basic telecommunications enterprises.


The practical solution for the full asset security operation and management of IPv6 environment in basic telecommunications enterprises is extremely suitable for the upcoming widespread application of IPv6 environment. It can automatically discover and detect the full assets and vulnerabilities of internal and external networks of enterprises, and carry out automatic security operation and management. It can establish an asset security foundation for daily security and practical attack and defense exercises of enterprises, and has the characteristics of high efficiency, automation, and promotability.

This award is also a high recognition of WebRAY's innovative capabilities in the field of network security. In the future, Shengbang Security will continue to adhere to the technical system framework of "precise identification, precise defense, and in-depth scene", fully leverage its own technological and innovative advantages, and contribute to the construction of network security for industry customers, building a solid foundation for industry network security.

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