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The CSO Global Cybersecurity Summit was held, and Quan Xiaowen, founder of WebRAY, was selected as one of the top ten figures in the "China CSO Hall of Fame"

Publication date:2022/08/26



On August 26, 2022, the IDC 2022 CSO Global Cybersecurity Summit (China Station) was grandly opened in Shanghai. With the theme of "Empowering Enterprise Modernization with Data Security", the conference attracted over 650 CIOs, CSOs, and CISOs to attend both online and offline. At the conference, the authoritative release of "IDC TechScape: China Data Security Development Roadmap, 2022" was held, and the first IDC China Top 20 Outstanding Security Projects and CSO Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony were held. Quan Xiaowen, founder of WebRAY, was selected as one of the "Top Ten Figures of China's CSO Hall of Fame" and released the Cyberspace Map - Cyberspace Kun Map on site, helping to build a "new infrastructure" digital security map.



Publish a map of cyberspace and build a digital security base map for "new infrastructure"


In the main forum this morning, Quan Xiaowen, founder of WebRAY, presented the online space Kun Map for the first time in his keynote speech. He said that from the earliest map of China, Yu Ji Tu, to the earliest color global map of China, Kun Yu Wan Guo Quan Tu, the Chinese people have always been at the forefront of the world in mapping. Just like in real space, there is also a map in virtual cyberspace, from which we can see the "terrain and landforms" of cyberspace, see trends and directions, and thus more clearly see the risks that exist in cyberspace.





The Network Space Map - Network Space Kun Map integrates WebRAY's years of technical accumulation in multiple cross disciplinary fields such as network surveying, big data analysis, and visualization. Through active and passive detection methods, it provides a multidimensional depiction of the "state" and "potential" of the network space environment. This map is suitable for various application scenarios such as understanding the background of infrastructure, measuring the IPv6 penetration rate and informatization level, sorting out supply chain relationships and risk situation awareness, and conducting network space mapping operations, providing a digital security map for "new infrastructure".



IDC China Data Security Development Roadmap Debuts, WebRAY Selected as Recommended Vendor in API Field


The "IDC TechScape: China Data Security Development Roadmap, 2022" was officially released to the public at the summit. IDC China Research Director Wang Junmin gave an on-site interpretation: Currently, traditional data security technologies centered on data leakage prevention, data encryption, and data anonymization have ushered in more development opportunities. New concepts, technologies, and fields such as privacy computing, blockchain, AI, and zero trust have also entered a golden period of development. In addition, data security compliance has become a necessity, the integration of data security technologies, the integration of data security products and services, the integration of data security and network security, the increasing trend of password capability integration, cloud data security, emerging technology empowering data security, grid management of business data security, and focus on scenario applications will be the main characteristics of China's future data security technology and market development trends.




It is reported that the TechScape released this time selected 18 emerging and important data security technologies for analysis, and visualized the market adoption of data security technologies. In addition, based on the market impact of technology and the development stage of each technology, it is divided into three categories: transformational technology, dominant technology, and opportunity technology, and three recommended vendors are provided for each technology. As a recommended vendor in the API field, WebRAY has been selected for the "IDC TechScape: China Data Security Technology Development Roadmap, 2022", which is an important recognition of Shengbang Security's technological foresight and innovation capabilities in the API field by the industry.




WebRAY API Security Protection System is developed and designed based on the sorting of API assets, focusing on permission protection, attack protection, and data protection. The system adopts comprehensive checkpoints and rich data processing models, which can accurately identify, summarize, and classify sensitive data, personal privacy information, business critical information, and system account passwords of the organization according to the characteristics of users' scenario based needs, thus achieving fine-grained coupling between business and data, data and API. The system provides users with comprehensive protection capabilities by integrating data anonymization, authentication protection, abuse protection, and abnormal access restrictions, ensuring the reasonable use, legal calling, and security compliance of data, and ensuring data security protection at the API level.


Selected for the "China CSO Hall of Fame (Top Ten Figures)"


To recognize outstanding projects and figures in the field of security, this conference has established for the first time the "Top 20 Outstanding Security Projects in China" and "Top 10 Figures of China CSO Hall of Fame" awards. Quan Xiaowen, founder of WebRAY, has been honored as one of the "Top Ten Figures" in the China CSO Hall of Fame for his outstanding technological innovation capabilities and rich experience in emergency response and security governance.




The CSO 20 Awards and CSO HALL of FAME are the highlights of the Global CSO Cybersecurity Conference over the years, and are also the authoritative third-party cybersecurity awards worldwide. This year, Foundry (IDG)/IDC introduced this authoritative award to China and ultimately selected 10 outstanding representatives as the winners of the first "China CSO Hall of Fame". They not only demonstrate the value and importance of CSO for the development of enterprises, but also serve as a demonstration and guidance for the professional development of cybersecurity practitioners. They can also help enterprise managers establish a correct security concept, drive security technology changes, and adjust organizational strategies correctly. It is reported that CSOs and CISOs from companies such as TikTok, United Airlines, HPE, and J.P. Morgan Chase have all been selected for this award.




Innovative Technologies and Products Debut in Safety Town


During the conference, WebRAY made its debut at the "Security Town" of the summit, showcasing innovative security products and solutions such as network security asset detection system, network security individual detection system, API security protection system, and security service system under attack and defense, focusing on three product series: network space map, precise identification, and precise defense. This attracted many participants to exchange ideas and discuss new technologies, trends, and practical experience in network security.






Currently, the world is at a critical juncture of digital transformation and upgrading. As a pioneer in the application of digital technology, China's data elements have become the core driving force for high-quality economic development. The increasingly severe security issues that come with it are a challenge that every enterprise must face. The successful hosting of this summit is conducive to promoting in-depth exchanges and discussions among the industry on the development trends and practical applications of data security technology.

Through this summit, Shengbang Security fully communicated with the on-site guests and gained a deeper understanding of the changes in the network security environment and major security challenges faced by CSOs. In the future, WebRAY will continue to innovate in the field of cyberspace security, focusing on industries and scenarios based on the cyberspace map, providing users with more innovative security products and solutions, and maintaining the security and orderliness of the digital world.

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