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WebRAY has successfully passed the highest level CMMI Level 5 certification in the global software engineering field

Publication date:2023/05/05

Recently, WebRAY has successfully passed the highest level CMMI Level 5 certification in the global software engineering field, marking that the company has reached an international advanced level in software development, process standardization, process improvement, project management, and solution delivery.


CMMI certification is a globally recognized standard for quality management and assurance of software products, and is currently the most authoritative evaluation indicator in the international software industry for assessing the software engineering development capabilities of enterprises. The CMMI certification system is divided into five levels, and CMMI Level 5 assessment certification is the highest level certification in the global software engineering field.

The evaluation team led by the Senior Director of SEI/CMMI Institute conducted a comprehensive and rigorous assessment of the company's software product development process and management system based on the latest CMMI-DEV V2.0 standard. It was ultimately determined that WebRAY fully meets the CMMI-DEV 2.0 Level 5 certification requirements in 19 practice areas, including software development and management, product delivery, and technical solutions, with a total of 186 practice items. This meets the international advanced high maturity software development standards and is a comprehensive recognition of WebRAY in product development, product quality management, and project delivery.

Since obtaining CMMI L3 certification in 2020, WebRAY has participated in the CMMI-DEV 2.0 Level 5 evaluation certification, aiming to comprehensively assess and evaluate the company's software development capabilities and management level to the highest level standards in the global software engineering field. In the future, WebRAY will continue to strictly adhere to the CMMI Level 5 standards and implement them in all aspects of technology research and quality management. We will actively improve processes, use new technologies, achieve continuous optimization of processes and continuous improvement of product quality, and provide more mature and reliable high-quality network security products, services, and solutions for our customers.

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