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The First Cyberspace Mapping Company: WebRAY Debuts on the STAR Market

Publication date:2023/07/26

On July 26, 2023, WebRAY (Beijing) Cybersecurity Technology Co., Ltd. (stock abbreviation: WebRAY, stock code: 688651. SH) officially listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Feng Yan, Deputy District Mayor of Haidian District People's Government in Beijing, Xu Xiongbin, General Manager of Huihua Fund Management Co., Ltd., and Quan Xiaowen, Chairman of Shengbang Security, jointly sounded the opening gong at the listing ceremony. Leaders from the Haidian District Government of Beijing, guests from Tsinghua University, representatives of listed intermediaries and clients, members of the board of directors and supervisory board of Shengbang Security, management team, and outstanding employee representatives witnessed this important moment together.



The policy spring breeze promotes the three-dimensional construction of network security, and the development of enterprises welcomes industry trends


With the vigorous development of the Internet and the continuous improvement of industrial informatization, the digital industry has injected a new impetus into China's economic development, but it is also accompanied by major problems in digital asset management. In addition to the management of digital assets, "new infrastructure" has also brought new challenges to network security. Cybersecurity has gradually become a major strategic issue related to national security and development, as well as the work and life of the general public. In recent years, the country has gradually introduced laws, regulations, and policies related to cybersecurity, promoting the development of the cybersecurity industry.

In this context, the importance of cyberspace maps has become increasingly prominent. The Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Network Security Level Protection System and the Key Information Infrastructure Security Protection System, issued by the Ministry of Public Security in Document No. 1960, further emphasizes the need to strengthen research and application of new network technologies, study and draw a network spatial geographic information map (network spatial map), achieve map based operations, and promote the construction of a three-dimensional network security monitoring system.

As a pioneer in the field of network security, WebRAY has always faced the "wind" of industry changes and continuously achieved updates and iterations in enterprise development. Shengbang Security focuses on the field of cybersecurity, with its main business being the research and development, production, and sales of cybersecurity products, as well as providing related cybersecurity services. Since its establishment in 2010, Shengbang Security has advocated the development concept of "safe governance first" and provided users with network security basic products, business scenario security products, network space map products, and network security services. It has now become a leading network security vendor in China.

As one of the thirteen national level network security emergency service support units in China, Shengbang Security has a strong technical capability, fast response speed, and experienced security service team. It has participated in national network security emergency response work at all levels for many years, serving the network security work of more than 70 important national events such as the 70th anniversary parade of the victory of the World Anti Fascist War, the G20 summit, and the 70th anniversary celebration of the founding of the People's Republic of China, providing solid escort for network security of major domestic events.




Multiple achievements fill the domestic technological gap, forge ahead, and strive for industry leadership


For many years, WebRAY has consistently adhered to the research and development philosophy of "two precision and one depth" of precise identification, precise defense, and in-depth business scenarios. At present, WebRAY's vulnerability detection and application security defense technology has taken a leading position in the industry. It is not only an innovator in traceability management, but also a pioneer and representative enterprise in the field of network space map technology.

In 2022,WebRAY released its first network space map - Network Space Kun Map, and constructed a new infrastructure digital security base map, which was included in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's 2022 network security technology application pilot demonstration project, laying the foundation for building and improving the security protection system.

In addition, WebRAY's innovative technologies and typical applications in network security have been selected twice in a row in IDC's report on China's cyberspace map. The company has also been named a major player in the Chinese cyberspace map market, which is an important recognition from globally renowned market research institutions for Shengbang Security's continuous investment and innovation in the field of cyberspace maps.

To ensure product innovation, WebRAY always insists on investing research and development resources for the development and upgrading of core technologies. As of March 31, 2023, WebRAY has obtained 25 invention patents, participated in the development of 4 national standards that have been published, and is currently applying for 4 national standards that were drafted. One of them was led by the drafting team and has undertaken more than ten major national projects such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Cyberspace Administration of China.




In the future, WebRAY will take listing as a new starting point and continue to uphold the mission of "making cyberspace more orderly". Guided by the national security strategy, we firmly adhere to the concept of "two essences, one depth, and industry focus", increase research and development investment in the field of network information security, use the network space map as the foundation, focus on industries and scenarios, develop innovative security products and solutions, and strive to become a new type of digital network space security supplier driven by innovation, sustainable growth, and efficient operation. At the same time, the company will continuously improve its marketing system, expand market coverage and penetration around public safety and industry safety, better contribute to the national cybersecurity cause, better safeguard the security of the country and the people, and ensure the security and orderliness of the digital world.

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