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WebRAY was awarded the title of "2017 IDC Big Data Security Innovator"

Publication date:2017/10/10

As a leading player in China's web security technology, WebRAY focuses on cutting-edge technological innovation in web security governance. With a powerful application security product platform and data service platform, it provides security protection for users' core businesses and critical information assets. It is highly regarded as a leading brand in the web governance system by the industry and has become a 2017 IDC big data security innovator. In the report "IDC Innovators: China Big Data Security, 2017", IDC introduced Shengbang Security's products and customer cases, analyzed its differentiated characteristics and challenges, and helped IT buyers discover new IT technologies and find evaluation methods for new products when choosing technology suppliers.



Beijing, October 10, 2017- The third platform technology defined by IDC, consisting of cloud computing, big data, mobile, and social networking, is driving digital transformation for global enterprise users. At the same time, with the help of third-party platform technology, a large number of digital native enterprises have emerged in the global market. For enterprises that adopt third-party platform technology, while their business continues to develop rapidly, a large amount of business data has become an important core asset for the enterprise, and data security is closely related to the "life" of the enterprise.

In May 2017, the ransomware called WannaCry spread globally, forcing many businesses to shut down due to data being encrypted by the ransomware, once again confirming the importance of data security.

IDC believes that big data security technology includes two directions, namely protecting the security of data itself and empowering the IT security field with big data analysis technology. To assist startups, IDC has equipped corresponding activity platforms and formed a support plan for startups. At the same time, it can provide relevant information for IT buyers/investment capital.

IDC Innovators are emerging IT technology providers in specific fields, whose revenue needs to be below $100 million. These suppliers have either demonstrated groundbreaking business models in the market, or possess innovative technological capabilities, or perhaps both.

IDC stated that there are currently a considerable number of emerging companies in the Chinese market focusing on big data security. These big data security related companies are committed to addressing data security issues in IT environments to a large extent and utilizing big data analysis technology to enhance the comprehensive security capabilities of IT defense systems. IDC examined emerging companies in the field of big data security in terms of company size, product technology, industry and customers, ecosystem construction, and future development strategies, and ultimately selected four vendors including WebRAY tech (Beijing) Co., Ltd. as IDC big data security innovators. The report "IDC Innovators: China Big Data Security, 2017" introduces the products and customer cases of these four companies, analyzes their differentiated characteristics and challenges, and helps IT buyers discover new IT technologies and find evaluation methods for new products when choosing technology suppliers.

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