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WebRAY Showcases Satellite Internet Security Technology at Global Digital

Publication date:2024/07/02

On July 2, the 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference kicked off in Beijing. On the first day, WebRAY stood out among numerous tech companies with its innovative satellite internet security solutions, attracting significant.The scheme integrates three core technologies of satellite communication vulnerability scanning equipment, satellite Internet space mapping and satellite communication security and confidentiality system, providing a mature solution to ensure the safety and unimpeded space communication.




Among them, satellite communication vulnerability scanning devices play a crucial role in conducting comprehensive and in-depth vulnerability analysis of satellite communication systems, ensuring that the "inspection" process is meticulous, timely discovering and preventing potential security risks, achieving comprehensive "inspection" in the field of satellite communication, and enhancing the initiative of defense.




At the same time, satellite Internet space mapping technology is another highlight of the program. By carrying out asset detection and status monitoring simultaneously on the satellite side and the Internet side, it has achieved a comprehensive grasp of the status of space and ground network assets, ensured a clear "look", laid a solid foundation for visual management of cyberspace, and greatly enhanced the ability to monitor and warn unknown threats.




Finally, the construction of the satellite communication security and confidentiality system focuses on achieving dual security guarantees for satellite communication transmission and network access processes, ensuring efficient and secure information transmission and solving the problem of accurate "prevention".
The satellite Internet security solutions exhibited by WebRAY this time not only demonstrated the company's cutting-edge technical strength and new exploration achievements in this field, but also provided innovative ideas and feasible paths to solve many security challenges faced by space communications, attracting wide attention from delegates at home and abroad.




As a national level "specialized, refined, unique, and new" small giant enterprise and a national network security emergency service support unit,WebRAY also exhibited the industry's first network space map - "Network Space Kun Map" at this year's Digital Economy Conference. It not only presents users with an intuitive and detailed network space terrain, but also realizes the correlation and mapping between network space and geographic space. It greatly enhances the efficiency of network asset monitoring and governance, security situation awareness, and emergency response, providing strong support for the network security planning and guarantee work of governments at all levels, regulatory agencies, and large enterprises.




The Global Digital Economy Conference will last until July 5th. This annual event not only brings together senior representatives from global government agencies, business elites, and opinion leaders, but also attracts active participation from numerous international organizations, academic experts, and third-party media. During the three-day conference, participants will delve into the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities of the digital economy around the theme of "ushering in a new era of digital intelligence and sharing a new digital future". WebRAY will make full use of this international platform to show its innovative achievements and successful practices in the fields of satellite Internet, cyberspace maps, and scenario based security.

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