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WIConnect丨the World Internet Conference Open Day was held in Beijing, and the chairman of WebRAY, Quan Xiaowen, made a speech as a member representative

Publication date:2024/07/12Article Source:World Internet Conference official account

In the afternoon of July 11, the International Organization of the World Internet Congress held an open day activity in Beijing, inviting members and partners to celebrate the second anniversary of the International Organization of the Congress.




Ren Xianliang, Secretary General of the World Internet Conference, attended the event and delivered a welcome speech. He thanked all sectors of society for their strong support for the work of the conference, and stated that the conference will actively build a comprehensive membership service system, continuously enrich and optimize member rights and interests. He looks forward to continuously strengthening communication and exchanges with partners from all walks of life in the future, deepening practical cooperation, and jointly promoting the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace towards a new stage.




Secretary General Ren Xianliang expresses his gratitude to the outstanding member liaison officers of 2023 for their active role in promoting information flow, resource sharing, communication and cooperation, and encourages them to further play a bridging role between the conference and member units.




Lu Yiji, Chairman of the China Europe Digital Association, Quan Xiaowen, Chairman of WebRAY, and Pei Jinlin, Global Vice President of SAP, as representatives, shared their gains and insights from joining the conference as members with the attending guests. The attending guests unanimously expressed that the conference provides a platform for members to communicate and cooperate, helps members to deeply participate in industry development and governance, empowers members to promote and facilitate government enterprise exchanges, and continuously improves their sense of participation and gain. They look forward to continuing to use the conference platform for pragmatic cooperation and achieving mutual benefit and win-win outcomes.




This open day event invites friends from all walks of life to visit the headquarters of the international organization of the conference, to gain a firsthand understanding of the progress and achievements of the conference since its establishment on July 12, 2022, and to organize extensive exchanges with industry peers.




More than 100 representatives from relevant government departments, Nokia, IBM, Macao MTel, Three Gorges Group, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Baidu, Tiktok Group, Tencent, Alibaba and other conference members, as well as media representatives attended this open day activity.

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