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WebRAY was invited to attend the 2022 World Internet Conference to discuss the topic of cyberspace maps and help build a digital security base map

Publication date:2022/11/11

Recently, the 2022 World Internet Conference opened in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. With the theme of "Jointly Building the Cyberworld and Creating a Digital Future - Jointly Building a Community of Shared Future in Cyberspace", the Summit focuses on four major sectors: cooperation and development, technology and industry, humanities and society, and governance and security, and shares the forward-looking thinking of Internet development and the trend of digital technology innovation. WebRAY was invited to attend the "Forum on the Development of Cybersecurity Technology and International Cooperation" and had discussions with on-site guests on topics related to the use of cyberspace maps to help build digital security maps.




The Wuzhen Summit of the World Internet Conference is an important stage for global Internet sharing and co governance, digital economy exchange and cooperation, and has become a "wind vane" for the development of the global network information field. This Wuzhen Summit is the first annual meeting of the International Organization of the World Internet Conference after its official establishment. Nearly 2000 representatives from governments, international organizations, industry institutions, well-known enterprises and university think tanks from more than 120 countries and regions met in Wuzhen to brainstorm and exchange experience around the hot issues of global cyberspace focus.

On November 10, the Forum on Cybersecurity Technology Development and International Cooperation of the 2022 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit was held. The forum was hosted by the National Computer Network Emergency Technology Processing Coordination Center, and Cao Shumin, deputy director of the National Internet Information Office of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The forum attracted more than 80 representatives from relevant international organizations, research institutions, industry organizations, and enterprises to attend, focusing on in-depth exchanges on "promoting international cooperation in network security", "adhering to data security compliance governance under the new situation", "seeking the development of new technologies and applications in network security", and "special dialogues on network security technology and cooperation".


Hao Long, General Manager of WebRAY Service Product Line, was invited to participate in a special dialogue and discussion. Hao Long believes that only by combing the traditional Internet, mobile Internet and personnel sensitive information network, and truly "finding out the family background", can we effectively carry out threat detection, situation awareness and other work and carry out targeted security protection. Hao Long proposed that the network space map based on full assets is an emerging field that is currently receiving much attention, and it is of great significance for building a digital security base map for new infrastructure.



Hao Long, General Manager of Shengbang Security Service Product Line, participated in a special dialogue and discussion


Hao Long stated that the cyberspace map integrates cutting-edge technologies from multiple interdisciplinary fields such as network asset mapping, big data analysis, and visualization, which can help us clarify the boundaries of cyberspace and streamline security boundaries; Especially when major vulnerabilities or security incidents occur, based on the network space map, we can quickly and accurately locate threats and assess risks. He gave an example, such as the log4j2 vulnerability that has erupted in recent years. As a supply chain level vulnerability, its impact is very extensive. According to WebRAY statistics, there are 6910 components involved globally, and in China alone, the number of IPs using this component has approached one million. In addition, WebRAY discovered through monitoring that there were still nearly 30000 business systems with unpatched vulnerabilities 7 days after the vulnerability broke out, including a large number of undiscovered "hidden" assets, indicating the huge security risks of unclear assets.

In September of this year, at the 4th "Zongheng" Cyberspace Security Innovation Forum and the 2022 National Cybersecurity Promotion Series, Shengbang Security released its first cyberspace map - the Cyberspace Kun Map. This map achieves the correlation and mapping between cyberspace and geographic space through multi-dimensional depiction of the "state" and "momentum" of the cyberspace environment. It is suitable for various application scenarios such as identifying key information infrastructure, measuring IPv6 penetration rate and informatization level, sorting out supply chain relationships, perceiving security risk situations, and conducting cyber warfare. It is reported that the release of this cyberspace map has received widespread attention from the industry.

From "interconnectivity and shared governance" and "innovation driven development for the benefit of humanity" to "digital economy promoting openness and sharing" and "creating a digital world of mutual trust and governance", from "intelligent interconnection and open cooperation" to "digital empowerment and co creation of the future" and "moving towards a new era of digital civilization", to the permanent theme of "building a community with a shared future in cyberspace" at this conference, WebRAY is willing to work with colleagues in the industry to jointly embrace opportunities and challenges, explore and promote China's solutions, wisdom, and responsibilities in cyberspace security governance.

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